The one Christmas tree mistake you don’t want to make

The one Christmas tree mistake you don’t want to make

While the silly season is upon us, Fire Security Services have a reminder not to be silly with your Christmas tree this year.

When you’re heading out to the Christmas tree farm, have you considered the damage a live Christmas tree could cause?

Real Christmas trees that are under-watered can dry out quickly and create a fire risk – especially when wrapped in Christmas lights.

Fire Security Services Senior Alarm Technician and volunteer firefighter, Aaron Kirk, likened having a dry Christmas tree to “having a bucket of petrol in your living room.’’

Who is responsible for fire safety training in the workplace?

Who is responsible for fire safety training in the workplace?

Who looks after your fire safety training? Do your employees need to be trained?

Many employers are asking these questions. There is a minefield information out there, and legislation that employers must follow to keep their staff safe

As an employer or building owner, there are specific training requirements needed as part of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Regulations 2018. To save you scrolling through pages of legislation, we’ve done the hard work for you and condensed everything you need to know about fire safety training.

COVID-19 Service update - 31 August

COVID-19 Service update - 31 August

As a large part of the country moves into Alert Level 3 and Auckland remains at Alert Level 4, we are continuing to look after our clients’ fire protection needs.

Regions in Alert Level 3

Our technicians are back on the ground, safely undergoing regular testing, inspections and maintenance while at Alert Level 3. If you have any specific site requirements during Alert Level 3, please contact us.

Fire Security Services operations in Alert Level 4

Fire Security Services operations in Alert Level 4

As Fire Security Services operate in COVID-19 Alert Level 4, we have scaled back our services in line with guidelines from the Fire Protection Association NZ.

For non-essential services and for buildings that aren’t occupied, FSS will only respond to urgent critical faults and/or a request from FENZ to attend site. However, if your organisation provides an essential service or is occupied and if it is safe to do so, we can carry out certain routine inspections and service work to ensure the system remains functional. These sites are being considered on a case-by-case basis. The safety of our staff and our clients is our priority, any site visits will be carried out with strict COVID-19 protocols.

Do I need to do trial evacuations and other fire training for my building?

Do I need to do trial evacuations and other fire training for my building?

This blog provides a light introduction to performing regular trial evacuations of certain types of buildings. This follows recent changes to fire safety legislation by the NZ Government making building owners ultimately more accountable for ensuring building occupants can safely escape a fire. Contact Fire Security Services if you want to find out more about your specific situation.

Fresh new brand with the same quality service

Fresh new brand with the same quality service

Fire Security Services is excited about our new look! It represents a year of listening to our customers to ensure we have our customers' backs; we make it easy; and we do what we say we'll do. This is a first of a series of announcements about our investment back into improving our services to our customers.